Title Of Art Piece:
Henry Wessel.
Artist Rationale:
Wessel grew up in the San Fran Bay Area and was attracted by the distinctive light of the west coast. It's grey tones, soft quality and light that already exists.
The piece is made up of 27 images in a deliberate order which picks out specific incidents of interest.
Wessel describes the piece as 'Work without words' and 'Taking a walk with a friend who stops on occasion and points to a scene, saying "take a look at that".'
Photographs, gelatin silver print on paper.
I chose 3 of my favourite images from the collection.
Themes Of The Piece:
Ordinary moments in the everyday lives of strangers.
Why It Inspires You:
Taking the ordinary and everyday and making it seem forced even though he takes the pictures from a distance with no communication.
Potential Ideas For Theatrical Work:
Making the everyday strange and unfamiliar.
Second eye (audience) someone spying/being nosey/seeing something they're not supposed to.
Title Of Art Piece:
Alexander Brodsky and Ily Utkin.
Artist Rationale:
Living in Russia Brodsky and Utkin worked together as part of the 'Paper Architects Movement' to create imaginary architecture.
They wanted to rethink the city as a dream landscape blending memories from the past with visions for the future.
They used a variety of architectural, literacy and visual sources from classical mythology to science fiction as inspiration for their work.
Etchings on paper.
I chose 3 of my favourite images from the collection.
Themes Of The Piece:
The pieces explore the theme of Utilitarianism and present the modern metropolis as oppressive and alienating, reflecting the experience of living under a totalitarian regime.
Why It Inspires You:
I like the use of height and potential of falling in all 3 of the pieces.
Potential Ideas For Theatrical Work:
Exploring the use of height and the risk of falling. Exploring risks in general.
Title Of Art Piece:
White Field.
Gunther Uecker.
Artist Rationale:
The piece is a monochrome composition. It allows the nails to create patterns of shadow across the surface creating patterns of light responding to the light in the room, positioning and where the viewer stands.
Painted nails and canvas.
Themes Of The Piece:
Light and dark, shadow, eye of the beholder.
Why It Inspires You:
It's very lyrical. It looks like grass blowing in the wind. Doesn't seem too impressive but when you look closer lots of time went into it. The different positioning, lengths and angles of the nails is very specific.
Potential Ideas For Theatrical Work:
What would happen if you used humans instead of the nails?
Title Of Art Piece:
Nam June Paik.
Artist Rationale:
Uses abstract lines and shapes, smiling television screens. The central image (of a US Secretary and a Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs) is framed with television casing.
Acrylic paint and pastel on printed paper.
Themes Of The Piece:
The piece is a comment on the circulation of news and the power of television as a disseminated of information.
Why It Inspires You:
I like the piece for it's feeling of child's play. It's a juxtaposition on the raw message.
Potential Ideas For Theatrical Work:
Taking adult themes and making them childlike.
Title Of Art Piece:
Emma Dipper
Anthony Caro
Artist Rationale:
This is one of 15 sculptures Caro made. They had to be made of easily transportable materials such as light tubes and rod because they were 200 miles away from the nearest city. The piece was returned to for further adjustments and colour changes using normal American household paint.
Painted steel.
Themes Of The Piece:
The internal activation of space.
Why It Inspires You:
I like the dynamic, frame like structure.
Potential Ideas For Theatrical Work:
The potential of space and structure. Child's play.