Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Workshop 3

5 Pictures

The pictures I got given all looked relatively similar, which made the setting for my story relatively easy. I decided to make my story a journey or exploration of my setting because every picture seemed to link. I told my story in the first person, sort of like a diary entry. My pictures looked like they came from the point of view of a person so it made sense.

From listening to other peoples stories, I found that no one story was the same, even with people who had similar pictures. It brought variety to the stories, no ones was better than another and they weren't boring or generic. Nobody told their story in the same way either, some were told in the first person, some in the third person. Some were character driven some location driven. All the stories were very descriptive though and so were easy to picture. However, nobody chose to tell their stories with character voices so they didn't feel particularly creative.

10 Pictures

Me and my partner decided to intertwine our stories and act out the journey our characters made to make it more visually exciting. As we got through the story we moved through the pictures by lining them up on the floor and standing next to them. We thought that you don't have to be told the story by word of mouth to understand what was happening. Others performed their stories like a game of Chinese whispers, as a rap and using funny voices.

I think our performances this time round was far more engaging and interesting. We were challenging more than one of the senses which would've kept the audience more alert. It was also more interesting to tell the story as it was more of a performance.

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